Thursday, December 25, 2008

Deck the halls with boughs of holly!
'Tis the season to be jolly!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Im back from Hongkong!!
It was ok, but there were a few bad parts. =(

The flight there kinda sucked and the air stewardess/steward looked so FIERCE. Like, a bit irritated with us that kind of thing. So disappointing.

Oh ya one thing i learnt about HK is that the people there probably get bladder cancer or whatever when they are about, I dunnoe, 25 years old? You know why? COS. They have about zero public toilets there! Ok have la but I only saw like, 1. -.- Even hotels keep their doors out of bounds to outsiders and only give lobby toilet access to their customers. -.--.-.-.-.- The one we stayed at, needs the room card to enter. IF i have the room card would i use that toilet, which btw is located waaaaaaaayyyyy out of the way?!?!?!?! If I live there Im gonna my bladder is gonna stop functioning in 3 years.

Plus people there at Disneyland cut our queus and squished us forward cos they wanna rush in.
And they PURPOSELY (some) dun want to move aside cos they're in our picture. -.-


Haha ok stop complaining. I was trying to look for the dried lizards val once took a picture of. But sadly couldnt find any. =( Maybe the lizards went extinct.

(about time.)
Oh my cousin gave me this website to edit your photos, so I did this:
And this:
Lame right?? I lnever knew Huiting suits a beard so much!!! HAHAHAH.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Sorry pictures are in random order. At Cafe Cartel, before the food arrives. Before we changed seats to the soft big red armchairs thing.
At Clarke Quay, sitting by the river, looking at stars, drinking wine and reciting poetry.
(No. Just the sitting part is true. ;p)

OH YA YA this is the part we sat down beside the river for i dunnoe like 15 20 mins? Throughout which Joleen consistently reminded can we go now? Can we shift to proper chairs far far away from the river now? HAHAHAH she was so worried and all of us just plain ignore her and continued sitting there, till according to eliz a red ant saved her. By like lifting her up in his strong arms and moving her away from the river. What a Prince Charming, Joleen!

Some pasta thing me Eliz Joleen had. You know the set lunches are quite ok, in reasonable proportions.
Huiting's chicken is it? Cant really remember.

With the ice blended coffees..

Huiting looks... um er uh.. 'i-cannot-wait-to-sink-my-face-into-THAT!' kind of look.

Yeah so that's it! For the pictures I mean.
So now is Gracie the only one overseas? Where did she go ar? Cos Val is back from protesting at Thailand and Eliz is back from oggling at cute guys in Japan. I cannot wait to meet up with all of you!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lemme see...

Gracie - overseas
Eliz - overseas
Anghui - overseas
Joleen - I don't know... WHERE'RE YOU JOLEEN?
Huiting - working as a supermodel

Me leh, me?



Yeah, right.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

lalalalaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ANGHUIbcdELIZfGRACIEHUITINGiJOLEENklmnopqrstuVALERIEwxyz HI ALL!

what, nobody's blogging. y'all are all overseas is it?

ohoh, i've always wanted to gasp - SINCE WHEN DID WE REACH 100+ POSTS HUH?!!! O:

it's seems like only yesterday that someone was complaining how we all don't blog/the blog is dying/it won't last long and that Anghui blogs the most it should become her blog etc etc etc. How come like, SUDDENLY, got 100+ posts huh huh?


Anyway, have a good holiday! Let's not do what I'm doing, which is slacking at home.

P.S. we still have links which are countable with a single hand! HAHA xD

Saturday, December 6, 2008

From Thailand ('s buffet table) With Love.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Haha I just opened the email Gracie sent, which she hoped I can post up the pics. I figure I cant get it past my conscience to do it when i come back so..

Hey this is the 101th post!


Anyway, please dun kill me cos im busy (and also a bit lazy) to post up the photos of yesterday outing. I do it when i come back ok?? Which is next tues/wed.

(Now I better run cos Eliz specifically told us to go online and blog or smtg..)

But anyway, enjoy your trip Eliz! Have a fun and safe trip. Plus Joleen recommended some milk chocolate crunch thing which she claimed was delicious, and a must-buy, so watch out for it ya?