Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dear Avocado Anghui, Grapefruit Gracie, Honeydew Huiting, Eggplant Elizabeth & Jackfruit Joleen,

If you guys are harbouring any remote thoughts of relying on me to change the blogskin, I say, harbour them no longer!

I've tried like a zillion times - but all to no avail. It only happens to this blog, =\

Anyway, I started this blog, did most of the thingies on the left and constructed the tagboard, so can somebody more tech-savvy do sth?

Thanks. ;)

Anyway, I chose this skin in the first place coz I thought the circles looked somewhat like pancakes. Somewhat.
(don't you roll your eyes at me, Anghui!)

Friday, May 30, 2008

AHH. Can someone change this skin??? It's something to do with the edit html thing de right?? cant really rmb how.

Btw, yes, joleen finally grace this lovelaye blog. AT LAST YOU JOLEEN. Or face the wrath of the rest of us!! MUA HA HA HA HAHAHAHA.

Oh yeah. And gracie's new name is (I HAVE to put it down in case we forgot, and so we can laugh at her about it) Miss Gracie Origami Langkawichinayabu Sabuhulawahaha. She's an Origami champion too, as the name suggests.

Hmm..Ntg much to say. Feeling itchy now, have to go bathe!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


The Os are fun. Really really. (:

Just enjoy writing, be confident, and study smart now while you still can.

Believe in yourself just as we believe in you!

(wow. so philosophical...)

Anyway, all the way!
That luscious, sexy, fabulous A1 is within your reach! Imagine it, desire it!

(ok. the tone is all wrong now. =_= but you get what I mean la...)

Ah well. GOOD LUCK TO JOLEEN AND GRACIE for the upcoming Os!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DUN WORRY. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're behind you two all the way!!!


*and btw, really a big thank you to people who have came to support during HWZDX. Really appreciate it =)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I am now super tired cos I slept at 2am. =(
Went out for supper with family till real late, then rushed home, got into a shower and fell asleep after tt.


ASEAN Night was SUPER DUPER REALLY ABSOLUTELY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
None of us regretted going la. =) The performances rocked, and we really love the enthusiasm and cheering spirit everyone had for EVERY TEAM. We shld totally learn from them. The skit was lovely too!
We were 'dancing' to songs later, which made all of us sweaty and hot, cos the place is kinda humid. ( Digressing....HEY WE WALKED lke 3000000 KM to reach the BBQ area! We got off at Downtown East, and practically walked 25 BBQ pits' length to reach. The walk took like 45 mins??? And the return walk was a bit creepy.) But really, it was a very fun night. It's almost like a pub in touch with nature theme or something XD

That's all!!
(Someone post pics!!!!!!!!!)

Friday, May 16, 2008

btw, I came back to add that I feel really sad about the China and Myanmar natural disasters. It's really horrible, and there's a lot of people who lost their families and friends. Especially in China where people have only one child. I've read just now that there are people who trek long and exhausting distances in search of missing families. There's this mother whose son was working in a factory and she had been going there by foot everyday to wait for him He's been missing for 3 days.

It's like, really really really sad.. At times like this I feel fortunate that Im living where I am now.
I really hoped that those people whose lives have been affected by these disasters will lead a normal live asap. There's like a lot of problems that come after a disaster la.

taking super long to upload-.-

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wed, in 402.. note pinky pancake's ecstatic face xD


Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!
there, tall elizabeth! the acorn looking thing is suppose to be me, according to the "round-ish" valeria xD [by the way, acorn is not equivalent to a corn. lmao]

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

oh ya, according to val, for the corn/celery like figure, the three lines are actually the fringe =o

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"joreen" and "gracia"! oh ya, and "gracia" is holding a blade of grass in her left hand. in touch with nature, as usual xD

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"elizabath". kind of freaky though..

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

"anghua"! doesn't she resembles mojojojo?

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eliz's poor finger!

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doesn't our beloved paintbrush pancake look super neat and professional? and look! eliz is trying to take flight!

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!
crazy hair pancake insisted that i take a picture of her posing with pink pancake's finger.

well. think thats all for now. tata!
My throat's kinda itchy, and it's affecting my right ear to be reeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllly itchy too. It's so irritatiing and rather worrying. I've ever scratch my ear till it bled, and I dun want it to happen again. So now my ear and throat are in this SORE stage.

Hmm sorry for the 'down' way to start. But on a brighter side,w e're going for ASEAN night tmr!!!!!!!! YAY AYAYAYAYAY! Somemore Lek's organising it. All the best!! Im sure it'llbe like super duper fun! Really excited la.


I. Stepped. On. A.


I didnt turn on the lights, and I sort of stepped on smtg. WHICH IS THE TAIL. It's there wriggling and twisting like it's ALIVE. BUt there's NO BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like watching some horrible horror flick and I half expect freaky eyeballs and legs to start popping out. Im like, AHHHHHHH. DISGUSTING.

And that little Lizard shan't have a name. I din even get to see the owner of the tail.

EWW. And me and Val were talking about insects related stuff today.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Cockroach alert! Cockroach alert!
In my house!!!
-.- I went to get something from the kitchen, and literally froze when I notice the shiny black shell on my hamster's cage. And I was like ' OMG it's a cockroach. Ok do smtg do smtg do WHAT????!!!'
I cant use insecticide cos it's my HAMSTER.
I throwed like rolls and rolls of newspapers at it, and now it's gone. -.- kinda stupid.
I even got out a pair of mini binoculars so I can stand at the safe distance BEHIND my kitchen door and attempt to look for the dunnoe where Roachie. (let's name that 'cute' little guy Roachie shall we??)
I did everything!
...except really go forward and finish it off.
Anyway, I've called my dad to come home and well, take Roachie out of my hamsters' region. My mum annd sis are out, and Im meeting them later, so no help is available. AKA Im ALONE. But my Superman Daddy is on his way!!!!!!
Take care Roachie. Face the wrath of Superman and Insecticide and Newspapers Combo!!! MUA HA HAHA HA!
(Omg I SO HATE cockroaches la. Freaky disgusting twerps-.-)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Felt this urge to post some pictures!
'Long long' ago...


How fast we change.. Time flies real fast eh??

** The last pic with Xinyu isnt THAT long ago. But the one with moi Eliz and Joleen is. Everybody looks different! Except maybe Joleen.

Friday, May 9, 2008

woo woo, yay!

thank-you all for the kind well wishes & lovelaye gifts & gorgeous cards! you guys really made my day la. :D

you all mean the world to me. <3!

& hey, anghui, that distraction you did to stop me from entering the back room was HILARIOUS la. especially now when i think about it. we were like wandering about aimlessly?! and you were like, "eh? er... ah!" the whole time!



(oh, gosh. that was so Mr Cheng...)

Cream fight was cool!

Let's all get 5000000 pimples together! Yeah man. xD

- the QUEEN of SPRITES (;
Rightttttttttt. Firstly, today is the 9th May. Which means..............

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To the special-to-us-all, crazy, sarcastic, lovable, GORGEOUS, IRREPLACEABLE,
VALERIE TAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah yes. Today is her BIG DAY. First day of sixteen! Admit it, you're OLD. Along with Elizabeth XD
Alright, now you can watch NC16 movies. Excited???? Happy??? Yes I know you are.

(I feel like Im muttering to myself in an insane way. Hmm. )

Anyway, enjoy your day Valerie!! 16 is like, the lovely age for girls ain't it? The 青春 and carefree age of girls! You've been an excellent friend to all of us, and no matter what happen, ALL of us will stick together. =D

Now, replacing the overly-excited mood with a normal one...

We(me, Val, Eliz and Huiting. Joleen and Gracie had chinese, but Joleen joined us later) went to Sakae Sushi at Fest market for lunch. The food there was lovely!We talked, laughed, took pictures.

OH OH OH. THE CAKE. HA. Gracie went to take it up from the canteen, and she and some other people like Jeremy Limin and Christabel with all the Pancake People prepared it, while I tried to occupy Val by uttering nonsense. Ha. Bet you had a nice surprise didnt you valerie???

Had a WONDEFUL Cake fight!!! Cream figh is more like it. It's oily, filthy, dirty, creamy, sticky, and caused horrible shrieks.

BUT. It's FUN. That's what matters right????????? XD

Alright. Im off to shower off the oil from the cream that had probably stick into my pores and caused 5000000 pimples to pop out!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Am I the only frequent poster here????? =((((

(Poster as in, some one who post, not something you stick onto a wall)


Chem and geog tests are OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. YAY! Im sure the 3 of us feel super relieved, but valerie may not cos she only had to went through chem.

Got the first Qs wrong. Ah well. =) What's done done!

Bought waffles/pancakes (as Joleen will say) with Gracie and Valerie just now. Walked a bit with Valerie, ran for my bus, waved to her, stared at my untied shoelace, step off the bus, munched the waffle all the way home, and here I am. =D

(wow. I'll be surprised if people actually read through the above.)

Hell lot of mosquitoes bites on me now la....... =(((( ITCHY ITCHY.

Btw, I read somewhere that mozzies are spreading to cooler regions now, where they don't go before. It says it's a result of GLOBAL WARMING. Global warming is like, so ironical for us. As in, global warming is caused when we burn stuff and such and use air cons or whatever. but cos of GW it's hot, SO we turn on MORE air cons, and SO we contribute AGAIn to GW. -.- BAD CYCLE AH.

LOTS of pimples on moi currently. Seems like these baneSSSSSSSS of the world love to hinder me. TSK.

Yep that's it! =D


(gosh that sounds like bloog now.)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hi everyone! Just spotted something interesting on :

  1. Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than those who don't.
  2. The oldest known love song was written 4,000 years ago and comes from an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
  3. When it comes to doing the deed early in the relationship, 78 percent of women would decline an intimate rendezvous if they had not shaved their legs or underarms.
  4. Feminist women are more likely than others females to be in a romantic relationship.
  5. Two-thirds of people report that they fall in love with someone they’ve known for some time vs. just met.
  6. People telling their story of how they fell in love overwhelmingly believe the process is out of their control.
  7. Falling in love can induce a calming effect on the body and mind and raises levels of nerve growth factor for about a year, which helps to restore the nervous system and improves the lover’s memory.
  8. Love can also exert the same stress on your body as deep fear. You see the same physiological responses—pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate.
  9. Brain scans show that people who view photos of their beloved experience an activation of the caudate—the part of the brain involving cravings.
  10. The women of the Tiwi tribe in the South Pacific are married at birth.
  11. The “Love Detector” service from Korean cell phone operator KTF uses technology that is supposed to analyze voice patterns to see if a lover is speaking honestly and with affection. Users later receive an analysis of the conversation delivered through text message that breaks down the amount of affection, surprise, concentration and honesty of the other speaker.
  12. Eleven percent of women have gone online and done research on a person they were dating or were about to meet, versus seven percent of men.
  13. Couples’ personalities converge over time to make partners more and more similar.
  14. People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!).
  15. The tradition of the diamond engagement ring comes from Archduke Maximillian of Austria who, in the 15th century, gave a diamond ring to his fiancée, Mary of Burgundy.
  16. Forty-three percent of women prefer their partners never sign “love” to a card unless they are ready for commitment.
  17. People who are newly in love produce decreased levels of the hormone serotonin —as low as levels seen in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Perhaps that’s why it’s so easy to feel obsessed when you’re smitten. 
  18. Philadelphia International Airport finished as the No. 1 best airport for making a love connection, according to a recent survey.
  19. According to mathematical theory, we should date a dozen people before choosing a long-term partner; that provides the best chance that you’ll make a love match.
  20. A man’s beard grows fastest when he anticipates sex.
  21. Verona, the Italian city where Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet took place, receives around 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine’s Day.
  22. When we get dumped, for a period of time we love the person who rejected us even more, says Dr. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University and author of Why We Love. The brain regions that lit up when we were in a happy union continue to be active.
  23.  There’s a reason why office romances occur: The single biggest predictor of love is proximity. Familiarity breeds comfort and closeness… and romance.
  24. One in five long-term love relationships began with one or both partners being involved with others.
  25. OK, this one may not surprise you, but we had to share it: Having a romantic relationship makes both genders happier. The stronger the commitment, the greater the happiness!

Source: ""

Credibility is of course questioned.. ^^