Friday, May 9, 2008

Rightttttttttt. Firstly, today is the 9th May. Which means..............

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To the special-to-us-all, crazy, sarcastic, lovable, GORGEOUS, IRREPLACEABLE,
VALERIE TAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah yes. Today is her BIG DAY. First day of sixteen! Admit it, you're OLD. Along with Elizabeth XD
Alright, now you can watch NC16 movies. Excited???? Happy??? Yes I know you are.

(I feel like Im muttering to myself in an insane way. Hmm. )

Anyway, enjoy your day Valerie!! 16 is like, the lovely age for girls ain't it? The 青春 and carefree age of girls! You've been an excellent friend to all of us, and no matter what happen, ALL of us will stick together. =D

Now, replacing the overly-excited mood with a normal one...

We(me, Val, Eliz and Huiting. Joleen and Gracie had chinese, but Joleen joined us later) went to Sakae Sushi at Fest market for lunch. The food there was lovely!We talked, laughed, took pictures.

OH OH OH. THE CAKE. HA. Gracie went to take it up from the canteen, and she and some other people like Jeremy Limin and Christabel with all the Pancake People prepared it, while I tried to occupy Val by uttering nonsense. Ha. Bet you had a nice surprise didnt you valerie???

Had a WONDEFUL Cake fight!!! Cream figh is more like it. It's oily, filthy, dirty, creamy, sticky, and caused horrible shrieks.

BUT. It's FUN. That's what matters right????????? XD

Alright. Im off to shower off the oil from the cream that had probably stick into my pores and caused 5000000 pimples to pop out!

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