Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Alright that's all the pics for now! (their order is like, most recent at the top to older ones at the bottom. I mean, they are packing at the top pic so you're can guess right?)
Anyway, the camp was fun , relaxing, enjoyable, a great time with friends, watch 2 movies, slept at 4 am and woke at 7am to eat mac, a 'i-m-trying-to-catch-the-ball' captain ball game in the darkening hours, and a really cool hide and seek!! (which me and val hid in some pipe/water closet thing, near the fitness corner which was said to be..ahem...haunted???) But the place wasnt dusty and dirty and has no roaches! So yeah the hear 45 mins wait there was relatively ok. Our whispers were LOUD. The ball game was ok too, though at first ppl keep missing the ball. Cannot see! Ya then we bathed, me and ht played stress (of cos shrieking rather....loud), and then we went for a movie!! (AVP2).
AND AND AND. We went out to lie down and watch the stars in the parade square andg uess what??? Me and Eliz saw a SHOOTING STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's this split second shot pass small tiny line star, and Eliz sort of like, squealed and OMG IS THAT A SHOOTING STAR??? MAKE A WISH MAKE A WISH!!!!
Erm, what else???? We left halfway of the second movie cos of lack of subtitles =)
Were all zombies the next morning, and lessons was tough trying not to plonk down and sleep. We played a few card games after that, and HOME!!!!!!!!

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