Thursday, July 10, 2008

Valerie and Huiting are currently still at YMCA at the PESA thing. (I left early.)

It was an ok experience. We were LATE. We went in, and had to stand awkwardly well the then speaker talk, and then grab seats when he finished. Those speakers are really good. It amazes me how they can actually memorise their super long speeches, and not trip, not stumble, not stare off and forget their lines, do cool hand signs and use body language and basically talk like they've done that since they were 3 hrs old.

Btw there's this obvious boy girl ratio difference. I mean, there's like less than 5 girls???!!! And they were talking about some...gender discrimination/stereotypes thing.

AND.... Here's the literally yummy part!

Three of us decided to go off after chee kit finished the first part, and come back when he's about to start his impromptu speech. But I decided to go off halfway. ANYWAY. Let the pictures tell the story!!!!

Yes we had waffles!!!!!!!!!! At this Waffle Place thing at SMU.

This is Valerie's waffle, some Raspberry flavoured one.

Huiting's Triple Chocolate.

My Almond Nut with Brownie.

Ht and her half eaten waffle.Val and hers.

On the bus.


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