Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I found a lot of photos actually! Eliz, you just don't know where to look!
(but he still looks the best during his 3 seconds on TV. But 3 seconds was enough for so many girls to be 电到!)

& hm, people all over the world are like falling for your "prince", Eliz. Look at all the comments on the website! ;D

What I found on a Chinese blog:
我当时一直在刷晋江的奥运贴,然后第一个发现此帅哥赶紧狼血沸腾地留言... ...十分钟后,就有好人把他的图片贴上去了,我赶紧存下来上传到这里==帅哥的力量是强大的,望天... ...


Some comments are cute, some are just plain ridiculous -.-

But nevertheless - :D

(this is a strange strange post)

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