Monday, October 6, 2008


Hey guys!!!

I just wanna say that what you guys did for me today was awfully SWEET and something that i will deeply cherish for the years to come... :)

Huiting: Thank you for the lovely blade of grass which DOES mean alot to me... This little blade is different from any old blade you pick in Singapore because this very one came with your thoughtfulness and love... (mind you,i'm not in the mood for sarcasm) :D

Anghui: Thank you for the mini cake which i can actually bury my face into... It's both mouth-watering and hygienic... Plus, i really needed one of those... x) *your card's really pretty..

Christine: Thank you for the really meaningful and resourceful gift which i will definitely make full use of and i'm sure it will help me to grow in my faith... :)

Lek: Thank you for the super cute tortoise which is gonna make me think of you whenever i'm sms-ing... :D which is ALOT nowadays...

Valerie: Thank you for the ADORABLE notebook which is almost a twin of another, yet equally cool to have and the SWEET pair of earrings... *your card's really pretty..

Cheekit & Rebecca: Thank you for putting in so much effort in lighting the candles and with excruciating care... (not due to any abilities in doing so but sudden unfavourable weather conditions) Not forgetting the many "unglam" photos Cheekit took (which will soon be in my hands...HAHA) and Cheekit laughing at "himself"...

YOU GUYS MADE MY DAY TODAY!!!!! It almost seems like i have a two-day birthday!!


*to avoid further bickering from the paintbrush and the one with the crazy hair, i've decided to compliment your wonderful cards using the same adjective and sentence structure so that some of us who study literature and have a way with words shall be unable to claim that her work is superior because e.g "beautiful" is better than "pretty", thus preventing any possibility of enormous bloodshed in the otherwise hostile conflict for which i will not be responsible...

On the other hand, i'm not implying that i don't appreciate your cards because i VERY MUCH DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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