Saturday, April 11, 2009


Haha Ok I owe Eliz's pics like what, one month plus.
Ok anyway here goes: (prepare for a loooooooooooooooong post)
This is taken at the place we ate, which is like, I forgot the name. but I do rmb the free flow of drinks and ice cream!
Joleen's stoning.. Haha no la I was just trying to get a bigger view of things.

Oh we went Swensens for a free ice cream! We like went in, ate a free ice cream,talk, and just left. Lol really! But anyway the ice cream had a candle so we sang a bday song for eliz.

Happy Eliz with her happy ice cream cake.

Both of them looks happy right! A bit blur leh. Sorry ar.

Bird's eye view of Eliz's Birthday Ice Cream.
Side view. It looks fattening. We gained a lot of fats from ice cream that night.
Eliz having first honourable bite of the ice cream!
Oh ya we went up to the fountain on this point. Wait, the other pics look nicer than this..

Ghostly image! Val's attempting a jump. (FAILED)

They nice right! A diversified JC group. :D the shadow of leaves made this like blurry.

Aggressive val is trying to choke Poor Eliz. tsk tsk. Someone shld give this woman a counselling on how to be one.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (eliz's handsign and look)
HAHAHAH. Val's asaking for Gracie's hand.
Vasl's pics are always kindof artistic eh? She took this one. And we all turn out looking cool.

Another of Val's talent. (eh Im sure she'll go like 'Ah me uh huh' with THAT tone of hers now.)

YAY START of GROUP SHOTS!!! The mist from the fountain was spraying, so thanks to eliz's and joleen's handphones for helping to support mine to take. This pic's like, one of the nicest! really really. (Eh gracie's green as a grass literally now!)

Cool umbrella poses. :D
Ha ha this shot was unprepared cos I forgot to set timer. Then it took when i press so Joleen was unprepared and Im not inside. Lol Gracie's unprepared also. (Eh dun kill me if your think this is unglam! It's not la! It's so like natural?)

All hail the Birthday Girl, Princess Elizabeth!

TALL to SHORT. Yes Im finally the tallest. ^^
Ok that's about it la. Sorry I owe so long. :D
But hey it was a really great night out. I felt so nostalgic when I did this.. I hope you all enjoyed it too. really sad that huiting couldnt make it. :(
We're like attracting attention cos we were jumping around taking photos and cars were speeding by us all the time. Eh btw cars drive really fast over there. There's like a few screeches of brakes in the time we were there cos a few cars nearly crash.
Love you all girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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